Message from the Principal
Dear Parents,
I want to extend to you and your family a very warm welcome back to IIT and in particular, any new students attending our academy for the first time. As the principal of IIT Academy, I believe that it is my responsibility to maintain and to continue to build a supportive and collaborative spirit at our school. Together as a school community, we will conquer all the unpredictability brought on by the pandemic and continue to build on the traditions of the past and meet the challenges of the future in innovative and exciting ways.
I look forward to listening to your ideas and vision for our academy and collaborating with each of you to support our sense of community here at IIT.
After a successful year of online learning, we have decided after close analysis to bring our students back to the academy for in-person learning. This move requires commitment and support from all. We all have our part in making this endeavor safe and sustainable. I value the social and emotional development of each child as they transition from one grade to the next and will focus on mitigating any gaps and deficiencies. I value life-long learning and aim to make your child’s learning experience at IIT Academy engaging and exciting. Look out for the reopening package, please take a moment to go it over with your child.
Together, we will ensure that we maintain our tradition of excellence and community that makes IIT such a special place.
Finally, our staff is preparing to welcome you back in a covid free, safe and engaging space. I will continue to strive to ensure that all families feel welcome and connected to our school family. Zaheer KhanPrincipal IIT Academy
1630 Neilson Rd. Scarborough ONM1X 1S3