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COVID-19 Update

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Asalaamwalaykum Wa Rahmatullahu Wa Barakatahu Respected Parents.

We hope this letter finds you in the best of health as we are currently dealing with an illness that is spreading rapidly. May Allah swt protect us all. 

In light of this situation we had sent out an email with a letter attached (on March 2nd 2020) outlining the measures that TDSB is taking in regards to students that are travelling. This is an update in regard to this situation which will be implemented immediately. 

As a precautionary measure we would like to emphasize: 

  • Parents who are currently travelling or plan to travel during the March break please do not send your children to school for 14 days after your return date 
  • If your child has the following symptoms (fever, cough, runny nose, difficulty breathing, wheezing) please do not send your child to school 
  • If your child has any of the above symptoms and/or has travelled recently please ensure they receive medical attention with an accompanying note stating they are clear of this illness. This note is to be provided the date of their return to school to the homeroom teacher 
  • Ensure your children are coming to school with water bottles to avoid the use of the shared water fountain 

As a school we are taking the following preventative measures in our facility: 

  • Placing posters around the school (washrooms, notice board) about handwashing, covering mouth etc. 
  • Disinfecting all surfaces, desks, keyboards, doorknobs and door handles 
  • Discussions and reminders with students about handwashing, avoiding sharing food or drinks, and staying home if you are sick 
  • Ensuring soap is readily available at handwashing areas 
  • Encouraging students to use hand sanitizer and or wash their hands with soap frequently 
  • In contact with a number of medical professionals to get guidance and updates in regards to the appropriate preventative measures that should be taken 

The safety and well being of our staff and students is of utmost importance to us and we appreciate the ongoing support and cooperation from all parents. 

Jazak Allah Khair,
IIT Academy Admin