Welcome to the IIT Academy
The IIT Academy is an elementary Islamic School established by the Islamic Institute of Toronto. Our vision is to produce students who are fully conscious of their accountability to God, confident in their identity as Muslims, and ready to fulfill their obligations as citizens of Canada.
We will strive to nurture the intellectual, social, spiritual, moral and physical well-being of our students, fostering integrity, excellence of character and a deep sense of responsibility as they grow to become exemplary Muslims and productive citizens of the world. The ultimate objective of any worldly endeavor is the achievement of felicity in the next world. The IIT Academy will create harmony between the intellectual, physical and spiritual dimensions of each child. Our school will be a safe and respectful place, a place where students and teachers will work harmoniously to achieve academic excellence and to grow in knowledge, faith and practice; where there is recognition and understanding of the rights of fellow students and teachers, fellow human beings and love for the country in which we live.