(416) - 335 - 9173

03 – Arrival and Departure Policy

3.1 Daily Schedule

Before School Care 7:30 am – 8:20 am
Entry Time 8:20 am – 8:30 am
Morning Assembly Begins 8:35 am
Morning Recess 10:25 am
Lunch 12:00 pm
Dismissal 3:15 pm
 After School Care 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm
Extended After School Care 5:00 pm – 5:30 pm

3.2 Drop Off and Pickup

All parents are to drop off students to the main doors of the school. All staff, parents and volunteers are to park their vehicles in the parking lot at the side of the building (West parking lot). No staff, parents, or volunteers are to stop their vehicles in the front of the school as it is a fire route.

The school assumes no responsibility for any incident that occurs before or after school hours unless the student was requested to come early or stay late for specific scholastic reasons. Parents are urged to ensure pick-up and drop-off for their kids before and after school hours.

All students must be picked up between 3:15 – 3:30 pm. If not, they must be registered in our paid after-school care program or registered in a supervised extracurricular activity. After three late pick-ups, the parent will be charged the monthly after care fee.

Younger children (JK to grade 3) must be accompanied by an older sibling or an adult to and from the parking lot to the building. Older children are asked to walk safely to the main entrance of the building.

3.3 Parking

Parking is only allowed in the designated spots in the parking lot and not in the fire route.

3.4 Arrival Guidelines

When students arrive at school, once entering, they are required to remove their outdoor shoes on the carpeted area. They proceed to change into their indoor shoes at their designated areas, and promptly make their way to the gymnasium for our daily morning assembly. Students are not permitted in classrooms before the assembly.