IIT Academy recognizes that some students may require medication regularly or in the event of an emergency. The policy states that school staff should not be involved with the administration of medication. Cough syrup and other medication should not be sent to school. These should be administered at home before school, after school and at bedtime. If your child requires medication during the school day, a medical form must be obtained from the office and be signed by your physician with specific instructions. This includes non-prescription medication as well.
Medication must be properly labeled and kept in the school health room to avoid having it fall into the wrong hands. The only exception to this is for students who suffer from asthma.
Students whose parents and physician judge that they have sufficient maturity to control the use of ‘puffers’ will be allowed to keep these in their possession. However, there is a section on the medical form which must be filled out to indicate this. Please contact the school for further information, and we ask students to notify the office when they have used their puffer so that we can keep track of this information. Any students who carry an EpiPen for anaphylactic allergies must give the EpiPen to their classroom teacher on the first day of school. The teacher will keep the EpiPen in safe storage in case its use is needed at any time. The office should be notified if your child has any serious allergies that may require the use of an EpiPen.